Author Archives: hccadmin

April is Cancer Control Month

Although many months are designated for awareness of specific cancers, and sadly there are many of those, April is Cancer Control Month that is to raise awareness of the importance of controlling cancer risk, making lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of cancer and to improve cancer outcomes by diagnosis at an early stage.

Genetic counseling and testing is a way to assess your genetic risk of several cancers, including breast, ovarian, colorectal, endometrial (uterine) and prostate. The benefit of testing, when appropriate, is that it allows individuals to be proactive about their health. In many cases, the results of testing and counseling provide a pathway to actions for potentially preventing cancers. There are many options for managing patients at high risk for cancers that range from enhanced screenings to preventative surgery to help control your cancer risks.

Knowing your family cancer history is the first step in recognizing if you and your bloodline family members are at increased risk for inheritable cancer. Individuals with a significant family history of cancer, even without a personal history of cancer, may consider genetic counseling and testing to aid in their own current and future medical management. Additionally, genetic counseling and testing provide indications about the potential risk for genetically related family members.

Genetic answers empower individuals and their families to control their cancer knowledge and risk assessment to make decisions regarding medical and personal management of cancer risks.

Happy International Women’s Day!

March 8th is International Women’s Day and we would like to take this opportunity to honor all women from all walks of life. We are pleased to be a practice that assists women and their families take charge of their health affecting generations of women and men. Hereditary Care Center provides genetic counseling and testing… Continue Reading

Once Again a Cancer Awareness Month

Although cancer awareness months are valuable in keeping everyone aware of the risks of cancer, it is also sad that we “celebrate” so many. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this is a cancer that affects both men and women, although women are diagnosed much more frequently. For both men and women , genetic… Continue Reading

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United States. Prostate cancer can present as a very slow growing cancer, and in many cases, advanced surveillance rather than aggressive treatment is recommended. Prostate cancer can also be an aggressive cancer that requires treatment. Screening for prostate cancer is performed by a… Continue Reading

Thanksgiving is National Family Health History Day

Beginning in 2004, the Surgeon General has declared Thanksgiving to be Family Health History Day. As families gather for the holiday, it is suggested they talk about and document health problems that seem to run in their families. Learning about your family health history may help you and your family have longer and healthier futures.… Continue Reading

October Breast Cancer Awareness is for Men Too!

Many people are under the impression that October’s Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month is just for women. Wrong! Men also develop breast cancer and unfortunately, it is generally diagnosed much later than in women, making their chance for survival lower. Everyone is born with some breast tissue, at puberty, this tissue continues to grow in… Continue Reading

Is Do It Yourself Always a Good Plan?

There are all sorts of Do It Yourself (DIY) at-home medical test kits available both in stores and especially online. Some of these are simple to use and appear to have useful/accurate results. Many are FDA approved for their intended purpose. There are also a variety of DNA test kits for determining ethnicity and even… Continue Reading

No Better Time Than Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is the perfect time to consider your family cancer history and the implications that may have for you and your direct relatives, which includes your children. Hereditary cancers are caused by an inherited gene mutation that is passed down by one or both parents. If you carry a mutated cancer gene, your children… Continue Reading

Have You Heard of Lynch Syndrome?

Lynch Syndrome is an inherited condition that causes an increased risk of developing specific cancers including; colorectal, stomach, liver, brain, skin, endometrial (uterine), ovarian and prostate. This syndrome is due to an inherited gene mutation, therefore, can be detected with genetic testing when a family history of cancers indicates that this is a possibility. Lynch… Continue Reading

National Cancer Awareness Month

The American Institute for Cancer Research, AICR, estimates that 1 in 3 cancers could be prevented by eating healthy, exercising and keeping your Body Mass Index, BMI, under control. Knowing if you are genetically predisposed to certain cancers gives you the best chance to use preventive measures to assure you remain cancer-free. February is Cancer… Continue Reading


Hereditary Care Center provides genetic counseling and testing services for patients in Raleigh, Wake Forest, Cary, Garner, Apex, Rocky Mount, Nash and surrounding communities in North Carolina. Genetic answers empower people to take charge of their health.

Hereditary Care Center
10941 Raven Ridge Road, Suite 107, Raleigh, NC 27614