Category Archives: Blog

Cancer Awareness Months

Sadly, it seems that every month of the year is designated as an awareness month for some form of Cancer. November is awareness month for: Lung, Pancreatic and Neuroendocrine Tumor Day. Each awareness month is valuable in reminding people that much research is happening and needs to happen to defeat these cancers. It is also… Continue Reading

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This is the perfect time to assess your risks for developing Breast Cancer and knowing your family history is a start. Does your family have a history of breast cancers, ovarian cancer, cancer clusters or other indicators of a possible inherited increased risk? Complete our Hereditary Cancer Quiz to determine if you should seek genetic counseling and potentially… Continue Reading

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month

Sarcoma is a cancer of the connective tissues, such as nerves, fat, joints, bones and muscles. It can appear in any part of the body, is frequently hidden deep in the body, and is often initially misdiagnosed. Sarcoma generally does not exhibit symptoms until it is very advanced with a large lump or tumor. Sarcoma is a rare… Continue Reading

HCC Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Awareness Month! This month is a good time to recognize that genetic counseling and testing, if appropriate, should be considered in the healthcare plan for men with a significant family history of cancers. Men with a personal or family history of cancers that occur at an young age, multiple cancers on one side of… Continue Reading

Welcome to HCC

Welcome to our new practice! We are so pleased to be bringing a private medical setting for genetic counseling to our community. Our genetic specialists are well equipped to discuss family history of cancers and the potential risk factors involved for family members. Often genetic testing is indicated to determine the actual level of risk for developing an… Continue Reading


Hereditary Care Center provides genetic counseling and testing services for patients in Raleigh, Wake Forest, Cary, Garner, Apex, Rocky Mount, Nash and surrounding communities in North Carolina. Genetic answers empower people to take charge of their health.

Hereditary Care Center
10941 Raven Ridge Road, Suite 107, Raleigh, NC 27614